Direalita Illustration

The memories and paw prints of a beloved pet remain in our heart and soul forever.

My frame of reference is what you see. Make it visible with the perfect shot.


Using natural light is always the best option when it comes to quality reference photos. Be sure not to use flash, but also avoid direct sunlight.


Personality is everything. Take pictures of them doing what they love. If they’re into playtime use toys and treats to help direct their attention to the camera, if they’re more of a couch potato, get down to their level to capture those big eyes.


Make sure the colours of the fur and the eyes are the closest to the real colours of your pet.


Allow them to be comfortable, take as many photos as you can. Feel free to send me a selection of your favourite shots. Please include all important parts and try to use mostly close-ups.


Choose high-resolution photos, that show the tiny details of the fur. All photos should be very clear, without any blur, and in the right focus.

Deceased pets: If your beloved pet lives over the rainbow bridge by now, you may have limited pictures available. In this case send me as many of the best shots as possible and we will work it out together for a great memorial.

Take a look at my previous commissions and artworks: